Vision Statement:
All Depend on Knowledge Communications Technologies
Global connectivity and the explosive growth in Internet applications such as the World Wide Web demonstrate the tremendous increase in bandwidth that the coming world of multimedia interactive applications will require from future networks. This requires new manageable network architectures that are designed to evolve smoothly from today's networks.
Knowledge communications, along with artificial intelleigence, is the field referring to ultimately extracting knowledge from collected information along with; the representation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of machine-processed information expressed in multiple media, such as text, voice, graphics, images, audio and video. With the advent of high-capacity storage devices, powerful and yet economical computer workstations, cloud computing and high-speed integrated services digital networks a variety of Macine-to-Machine (M2M) and People-to-Machine (P2M) Communications services are becoming not only technically but also economically feasible. Applications in medicine, education, travel, real estate, banking, insurance, administration and publishing -advertising are emerging at a fast pace. Also, the People-to-People (P2P) applications are now characterized by large multimedia documents that have to be communicated with very short delays. Computer-controlled co-operative work, whereby a group of users can jointly view, create, edit, and discuss multimedia documents has characterized many transactions since the year 2000.
The Center for Research in Knowledge Communications (CRKC) started its operations in July 2017 and the formerly Center for Information and Communications Technology Research (CICTR) was founded by Dr. Kavehrad in 1997.
The focus of the on-going work at CRKC is generating solutions for the current and future technical challenges in those areas of technologies, systems, and network architectures that enable the vision of the information age.
People will communicate in the media high definition -- video, voice, data, or any combination -- that best expresses their needs, and will send their messages vaulting over time zones to people who can transform the contents to meet their needs. Workers will use multimedia communications to access nearly unlimited information - whether that's a rare text in a distant library, a bar chart in a co-worker's PC or the sound advice of a colleague on a video call. The information-gathering efficiencies and "like being there" quality of multimedia communications will help restructure basic institutions. Our homes will be wired and equipped for "Tele-work", "distance learning" and an almost unimaginable range of entertainment options. People will work for "virtual corporations" made up of "virtual workgroups" including consultants, suppliers and customers who operate globally using "virtual travel" for most face-to-face meetings.
A new century seems to bring with it dramatic changes, and the current one is no different. The biggest technological change -- and perhaps resulting social change is the convergence of computers and communications. We're already getting a taste of this future as more and more consumers plug in multimedia PCs and go on line to surf the Internet. A combination of disciplines will be the principle forces behind 21st century technology in critical areas: computation (fundamental limits in terms of devices, architectures, algorithms and software), communication (fundamental limits in terms of capacity, network science, and new communication and device paradigms for different environment) and applications (autonomous and distributed systems). These technologies will have huge impacts on everything from consumer electronics, manufacturing, exploration, transportation, safety, medical treatments and services. They will also lead to disruptive changes to the way we interact with our environment in ways we cannot yet envision, for example via the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and through the exploitation of massive data sets. In addition, IoT is expected to bring more M2M and P2M into smart environments, like; smart cities, wireless sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, to name a few.
The IoT (Internet-of-Things) is actually a modern-day buzzword with lofty expectations to have a profound impact on society. However, what is it, how will we use it and what will that impact be? Is it going to be exciting or will it be frightening? Will it be helpful? Who will be the winners and who will be the losers? These are important questions, especially when you consider that IoT may have as great an impact on society as computers and the Internet have had. Maybe even more.
In the Internet of Things, connectivity to people and things comes from earth-bound wired and wireless networks. However, fewer technologists in 2018 know about the evolving Internet-of-Space (IoS), where connectivity comes from space-based satellites and — in the near future — lower altitude airborne platforms based on drones and even balloons.
Now, given as intelligent (High-IQ) individuals, we seek proper knowledge, how do we turn the acquired knowledge into wisdom?
Where is the Knowledge we have Lost in Information ? : (Knowledge Communications Project)
Where is the Wisdom we have Lost in Knowledge ? : (Biomimicry Cognitive Design Approaches)